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Connect Service

The Connect Service is used to create, manage, and retrieve Identity Verification Sessions for Trinsic Connect.

Trinsic Connect is a reusable Identity Verification platform that minimizes user friction by allowing them to securely reuse the results of an identity verification performed previously on the platform, reducing the number of full verification flows they experience.

Closed Beta

Trinsic Connect is currently in a closed beta; please contact us to gain early access.

Create Session

Create an identity verification session.

Populate verifications with a single RequestedVerification object, with a type of GOVERNMENT_ID. In future, multiple verification types will be supported in a single session.

In the returned session object, handle the following values appropriately:

    • Save this in your database somewhere. It is necessary to retrieve the results of the verification session.
  • session.client_token
    • Pass this to your user's device (browser / phone). It is used to invoke the client-side verification flow.

To invoke the verification flow on the user's device, use the client-side SDK, passing the client_token you received.

See Get Verification Results to understand how to fetch and process the resultant identity data.

import { TrinsicService } from "@trinsic/trinsic";

const trinsic = new TrinsicService({ authToken: "<auth token>" });

const createResponse = await trinsic.connect().createSession({
    verifications: [
        { type: VerificationType.GOVERNMENT_ID }

const session = createResponse.session;
const sessionId =; // Save this in your database
const clientToken = session.clientToken; // Send this to your user's device
var createResponse = await trinsic.Connect.CreateSessionAsync(new() {
    Verifications = {
        new RequestedVerification() {
            Type = VerificationType.GovernmentId

var session = createResponse.Session;
var sessionId = session.Id; // Save this in your database
var clientToken = session.ClientToken; // Send this to your user's device

Request to create an Identity Verification Session
Array of verifications to perform
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Response to CreateIDVSessionRequest
The created IDVSession
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Get Session

Fetch an identity verification session by its ID.

If the Session has been completed successfully, the results will be available in the result_vp field of the returned Session. See Get Verification Results for information on parsing this field.

If the Session failed for any reason (cancellation, identity verification failure, expiration, etc.), the failure reason will be given by the fail_code field.

import { TrinsicService } from "@trinsic/trinsic";

const trinsic = new TrinsicService({ authToken: "<auth token>" });

const getResponse = await trinsic.connect().getSession({
    idvSessionId: "<session id>"

const session = getResponse.session;
var getResponse = await trinsic.Connect.GetSessionAsync(new() {
    IdvSessionId = sessionId

Request to get an IDVSession
The ID of the IDVSession to get

Response to GetIDVSessionRequest
The IDVSession
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Cancel Session

Cancel an identity verification session by its ID.

A session cannot be canceled if it is in the IDV_SUCCESS or IDV_FAILED states.

import { TrinsicService } from "@trinsic/trinsic";

const trinsic = new TrinsicService({ authToken: "<auth token>" });

await trinsic.connect().cancelSession({
    idvSessionId: "<session id>"
await trinsic.Connect.CancelSessionAsync(new() {
    IdvSessionId = sessionId

Request to cancel an Identity Verification Session
The ID of the IDVSession to cancel

Response to CancelIDVSessionRequest
The IDVSession in its current state after cancellation
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Invoke Verification Flow on the Client

Once a Session has been created, the verification flow must be run on your end-user's device, using the client_token returned during Session creation.

import { ConnectClient } from "@trinsic/trinsic";

const clientToken = ""; // Client Token must come from your backend
const connectClient = new ConnectClient();

// The identityVerification() function opens the Trinsic Connect flow in an
// iframe on your page, and returns a Promise that resolves or rejects 
// when the flow is completed successfully or unsuccessfully.
connectClient.identityVerification(clientToken).finally(() => {
    // Session has been completed; ping your backend to fetch the results
    // and move forward with your flow.
Sample coming soon
Sample coming soon

Get Verification Results

If a verification is successful, its state will be IDV_SUCCESS, and the resultant data will be available as a JSON string in the result_vp field.

Use the Get Session call to get the current Session object, including its state and result_vp.

The verification data is in the form of a Verifiable Presentation , which will contain one Verifiable Credential for each Verification requested during Session Creation.

Below is an example JSON document representing the structure of the output of a Session created with a single Verification of type GOVERNMENT_ID:

            "streetAddress":"15 N FAKESTREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, 152110000, USA"